Personal testimony of pastor bob joyce
Personal testimony of pastor bob joyce


But the greatest influence you’ve had on me-and the most important-has been in my spiritual growth. Even now you’ll say, “Did you know …” or “I heard about this man …” But you taught me that a good story is only good when we find the deeper meaning within it that points to truth.Īll of these gifts have given my life its depth and color-the creation of art, and the ability to see the breadth of ordinary life. You taught me to read deeply and unpack the layers found in the lyrics of songs, thesis of books, themes in a screenplay. Growing up, you taught me to love history, poetry, painting, music, stories of humanity. You see the hand of God in creation-radiant sunsets, majestic mountains, stars, flowers, and simple every day things like cats and dogs and bugs and leaves on a tree, never taking God’s handiwork for granted. You have an eye for beauty that is rarely found in others. I didn’t care how everyone else saw me-if Daddy was proud, I was proud. You were the best one up there.” Even if it wasn’t true, I was glad you said it. Afterwards you put your arm around me and said, “Those judges didn’t know what they were talking about. I remember the time I entered my first contest and didn’t place. Later in my high school years, it meant the world to me that you attended my singing performances. That was the beginning of my love of the arts. “Outline the edges like this, see,” you said.


You patiently showed me little by little how to stay in the lines, laughing and smiling all along.


I couldn’t figure out how your page looked so much better than mine, which was full of scribbles. You carefully colored the characters using dark and light shading. You were leaning over the bed, sharing a Bugs Bunny coloring book with me. My earliest memory of appreciation for your artistry took place one evening inside a crowded bedroom in our Texas home. It was full of dreams, following in my Daddy’s footsteps-singing and writing and painting, just like you. And you have shaped my life with your character and teaching. You are not only a father of great physical strength, but you are also a man of passion, principle, and spiritual strength, as well. Just like our Heavenly Father, we feared your wrath, but we reveled in your love. And at the same time nothing was sweeter than your smile, your hugs, and your tender heart. Your grip was a vice your fists hammers your voice thunder. In our house, you were the image of might.

personal testimony of pastor bob joyce personal testimony of pastor bob joyce

No matter what, I knew I was safe as long as I was with him. But I do remember one thing-I finished the ride in awe that my Daddy was the strongest man in the world.

personal testimony of pastor bob joyce

I don’t remember what you said I’m sure it was some well-deserved chastisement. Moments were ages until a large, powerful hand firmly grabbed my arm and pulled with such force that my brother and I flew safely inside, followed by the slamming of the door behind us. I felt myself sliding across the seat as the weight of gravity and Matt’s mass pulled me down toward the rolling asphalt, the painted lines swooshing below my suspended body. I instinctively reached for my brother’s life, grabbing his arm, but I was too weak to pull him in. Faster and with more force than I could imagine, the door flew open with Matt attached to it. He was so little he didn’t realize the danger, just the curiosity of mechanics. Matt reached for the door handle, but I wasn’t quick enough to stop him. We loved traveling on the highway because we could watch the trees and sky fly by as we drove-a lovely site, but more fearful than we realized. We kids had the rare privilege to accompany Daddy to work that day.

personal testimony of pastor bob joyce

The three of us drove down the highway in your rickety work truck, with me in the middle and Matt near the window. Tribute to Robert Joyce from his daughter, Sabrina: Click here for more information on honoring your parents and for more tribute examples. In his book, The Forgotten Commandment, Dennis Rainey encourages readers to write a formal tribute to their parents and present it to them during a special occasion (birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.).

Personal testimony of pastor bob joyce